Breast Asymmetry — is this just my experience? The result BEFORE and AFTER the operation presented in pictures
Breast asymmetry is not a widely discussed topic. Those who have it know what it means. Sometimes we think — Why me? Why don’t others have it? But you know — others do have it! The statistics show different results, but on average 45-60% of women have breast asymmetry to a greater or lesser extent! What is breast asymmetry? Why does it occur? How to fix it? Let’s discuss!
BREAST ASYMMETRY — WHAT IS IT? Simply put, breast asymmetry is a condition when one woman's breast differs from the other one. It is usually bigger than the other one. However, asymmetry can be observed not only in terms of breast size, but also in terms of shape and position — one breast may be located higher than the other one and look different compared to the other one. Also, one end of the nipple may be larger or differ from the other one in another way. Sometimes all these problems are found together. Not all women with breast asymmetry have severe and disturbing symptoms. However, the symptoms can also be very pronounced and reduce the quality of life.
WHY DOES BREAST ASYMMETRY DEVELOP? Most often, breast asymmetry develops during puberty and is caused by hormones. One breast grows faster than the other one. Sometimes the situation improves, sometimes — not and the breast asymmetry remains for life. It can't really be explained why this is happens. Asymmetry is often almost congenital — if the mother has it, then it can be inherited more or less by her daughter.
Another period in a woman's life when asymmetry can develop is pregnancy and breastfeeding. Here again, the hormones that directly affect breastfeeding are to blame; sometimes there is more milk in one breast and less in the other, leading to the development of asymmetry. By the way — women themselves are often to blame for it, because they inadvertently feed the baby more intensively with one breast than with the other one, because the baby likes it more, as it is more convenient for the woman herself, etc., so it is very important to feed the child “evenly” with both breasts during breastfeeding! Usually, when you stop breastfeeding, after a while, the asymmetry also disappears. And yet — there are cases when it persists.
Of course, there may be less innocent reasons for breast asymmetry — if the asymmetry appears suddenly, an adult woman who is not pregnant and not having a baby should definitely attend a doctor, because one of the reasons may be a tumour in the breast. Yes, it is often a sign that breast cancer may be developing. Of course, there is no reason to panic immediately — a visit to the doctor is the first step to take, and then you will be able to discover the real reasons for the sudden asymmetry.
AM I THE ONLY ONE WITH THIS PROBLEM? Definitely — NO! You are not the only one. However, it is a very common case — the more inconvenient and intimate the problem, the less we talk about it, the more we keep it to ourselves. And we have a hard time because we feel like we are the only one. But the statistics state something completely different. In fact, there are very few women whose breasts are perfectly symmetrical! Why? Because we humans are not perfectly symmetrical at all. Almost none of us is perfect — we have one leg or arm a little longer than the other one, one eye higher than the other one, and so on. Of course, for women, this asymmetry often appears as breast asymmetry. However, it is not pronounced and disturbing for all women, some of them do not even notice it. According to statistics, more than half of women have breast asymmetry to one degree or another, and it can be seen with the naked eye! And another study in America has demonstrated that about 80% of women who turn to plastic surgeons for breast augmentation have breast asymmetry! Interestingly, this problem has been talked about a lot lately; even celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence and Keira Knightley have publicly admitted that they HAVE breast asymmetry, that they are not ashamed of it and urge all women in the world not to be ashamed of it; the main thing is to understand that they are not the only ones! If it is possible to live with it — just live and don’t be ashamed, and if the problem is depressing — look for solutions, as there are some!
HOW TO LIVE WITH BREAST ASYMMETRY? If the breast asymmetry is not too expressed, it usually doesn’t bother women on a daily basis. The selection of bras available in today's lingerie stores is so wide and varied that it is possible to choose the appropriate model that will definitely allow one to mask minor asymmetry. Of course, another question concerns different evening dresses we do not use underwear for or, for example, the beach season in summer. However, there are even solutions for this case — different swimsuits that help to hide the difference between the breasts and the choice of dresses that do not put emphasis on the asymmetry. Stylists say that breast asymmetry is the same individual peculiarity of our body as, for example, wider hips or shorter legs. The main thing is to be aware of it and choose clothes that do not put emphasis on the specific thing, so to speak — transforming a defect into an effect! WHAT TO START WITH IF IT ADDS DIFFICULTY TO YOUR LIFE? If the asymmetry is pronounced and disturbing, or less pronounced, but still depressing a woman, it is worth considering the ways to correct it. Plastic surgery can help here. The breast surgeries that can be performed are so diverse and can be combined so that it is possible both to enlarge your breast and correct the asymmetry during one surgery. Often this is the way out of a situation that makes a woman feel like a fully functioning and very happy person afterwards! Often, clients say that after these breast asymmetry correction surgeries, they can finally go to the lingerie store and choose a bra that THEY LIKE, rather than just a bra that helps to hide their problem. And it means a lot for them, because we don't want to solve this problem by thinking of other people, we ourselves are the beneficiaries here!