For Patients

First step – consultation How to prepare for the surgery? How long is the recovery process? What is the best solution for my problem? What tests should I complete before the surgery? How much the surgery costs? These are some of the most frequently asked questions that will be answered during your consultation with our

Therapeutic teeth treatment

Dental caries (cavities) is a damage to enamel and dentin of a tooth, which we also known as “holes”. During treatment the caries mass is removed and the tooth is restored with a filling.
Method of treatment depends on the volume of damaged hard tissue. The most popular treatment is dental stopping; however, more severe cases might require dentures or endodontic treatment.
Timely spotting and treatment is essential for treatment of caries. Often the patient might not even notice the first stages of caries, therefore it is important to visit a dentist at least once per year.

Teeth endodontics

This treatment is required when caries causing bacteria has penetrated the tooth on a deeper level and is causing pulpitis (inflammation of tooth nerve), periodontitis (inflammation of surrounding tissue) or inflammation of soft tissue of the bone (abscess).
Treatment of abovementioned issues requires more time and happens during several visits, during which the damaged nerve is removed, canals are cleaned and the tooth cavity is filled with a temporary filling. Afterwards the cleaned canal is filled and the damaged hard tissue of the tooth is restored with a filling.
If pulpitis is not treated in a timely and efficient way, it can progress to periodontitis or abscess. In this case the patient experiences pain when biting down on the particular tooth, and the pain becomes gradually stronger. Experts will evaluate the possible effects of endodontic treatment; however, the tooth will be extracted if the possible treatment results seem bleak.

Cosmetic teeth restoration

Restoration procedure to remove any aesthetic defects of teeth and oral cavity. We offer a smile reconstruction service – restoration of discoloured or deformed teeth. Veneers, whitening procedures, crowns and other methods are used to restore teeth and create beautiful smiles.

Denture treatment and teeth replacement

If a person has lost his/her natural teeth, the look and function can be restored by use of appropriate dentures. Dentures can be fixed and removable. Removable dentures are in a form of dental plates, while fixed dentures are veneers, crowns and bridges.
Dental plate is a convenient solution for cases of several missing teeth. If there are no teeth left at all the total denture is used, but a partial denture can be used, if there still are some teeth left. The total denture is attached to the mucous lining of the mouth cavity, while partial denture is attached to the remaining teeth.
Veneer is a thin layer of coating that is attached to the natural teeth. Veneers help to hide teeth deficiencies and are the fastest way to the perfect smile. It is possible to choose between porcelain or ceramic veneers.
Crowns are used in cases of extensive tooth stopping. If the crown part is broken-off completely or only small part is left from the natural hard tissue of the toot, it can be restored with an artificial crown. To create a crown the tooth surface is polished to create a mould, which is used to create an artificial crown in the laboratory. Afterwards the crown is glued (cemented) on the polished tooth layer.
A bridge is a dental structure that is fixed on two healthy teeth that are located next to the affected tooth. It is a suitable when a person has lost one or several nearby teeth.

Teeth whitening

Many different factors and daily habits, for example, smoking or drinking coffee, can affect tooth colour in a negative way. A visit to dental hygienist will help you to restore the natural colour of your teeth, but if you wish to have even whiter teeth a whitening procedure will help. The whole procedure lasts 60 to 90 minutes. A whitening gel is applied to the surface of teeth. Gel is left for 20 minutes. This process is repeated 2 to 3 times during a visit.
Important! Consult your dentist before teeth whitening for evaluation of the general state of the mouth cavity and teeth, as well as suitability for a whitening procedure.

 Dental hygiene

Prophylaxis is the main reason for a healthy and beautiful smile!
Healthy teeth, gums and a beautiful smile is the result of regular and correct dental hygiene. However, daily oral cavity healthcare procedures are not always enough. Professional dental hygiene procedures can be performed only by the dental hygienist, allowing you to prevent unpleasant teeth and tissue diseases.
Professional dental hygiene procedure includes:

  • oral cavity state evaluation;
  • removal of plaque above and below gums by use of manual instruments and ultra-sound peeler;
  • removal of soft plaque and pigmentation by polishing with various abrasive pastes and a soda jet;
  • application of prophylactic materials according to each individual case – fluoride gel, fluoride varnish, sealants, etc.;
  • evaluation and correction of dietary habits;
  • training on how to correctly take care of your teeth and oral cavity tissue;
  • how to choose the most appropriate oral cavity care solutions;
  • consultations for future moms and young mothers about correct oral cavity care, dietary changes and choice on care solutions;
  • short-term and long-term treatment and visit planning;
  • if necessary, cooperation with other dental or general medical experts – dentist, family doctor, etc.

Oral hygienist can also perform:

  • teeth whitening procedure (after consultation with a dentist);

apply/remove a “tooth decoration” – Swarovski crystal.

Questions & Answers

You can book an appointment by calling (+371) 20385822, sending an e-mail to or by filling the form below.

Specialists who provide service

Dental hygienist

Dental hygienist

Dental surgeon-implantologist

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Controller – Aesthetica SIA, registration No. 40203026926, Riga, Tālivalža iela 15, LV-1006
Purpose of data processing – processing of the appointment with the doctor
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